Wednesday, November 18, 2009

GAME Plan First Actions

I accomplished the first step in my plan which was to have an Intranet site established for my use by our IT department on the Department of Defense Dependents schools (DoDDS) webserver. Now I am planning the organizational structure of the website so that it useful for the educational technologists and teachers. I am thinking about separating the website into general areas such as Project based learning, Internet Inquiry, Webquests, etc. Within those general areas, I will have resources and links to lesson ideas separated according to elementary, middle and high school. If you have found an organization structure or website elements on educational related website that you really like, please share them with me. My webpage creation skills are not the best but it is another one of my professional development goals this year.

This past week I was also able to film three school level educational technologists (ETs) collaborating with educators. Schools in my district are spread out so it does take at least a day for each ET. I am now editing the clips together. In addition to filming the collaborations, meeting with the ET and educators does help me gauge how we are doing with the integration of technology to promote students learning.

This week I was also involved with a program called Creative Connections. Over 150 DoDDS students from across Europe apply to attend this 5 day educational retreat where they are immersed in a fine arts or performing arts workshop that stresses creativity and learning new skills. I assisted with the video production workshop and it was amazing what the students were able to create during the week. The Thursday night performance included these videos and I plan on posting it to the website this weekend. We also steamed the production live which was nice for parents who were unable to attend the show (including some deployed parents.)
The secure website for Creative Connections 2009 II is located at:
username: dodeateam
password: achieve09

1 comment:

  1. A quick update -- I was visiting one of my local schools on Friday and was discussing my GAME plan involving the Intranet. The Information Specialist and ET at the school were immediately interested in developing their own school Intranet sites. It now looks like for an hour each Monday morning we will be working together on developing these web sites.


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