Saturday, June 6, 2009

My First Voicethread

This was my first attempt at making a voicethread and I see all sorts of potential for it to be utilized with students in grades K-12. As a video teacher, I wanted to see if voicethread might work as a vehicle for students to share their videos and also receive feedback. I posted the following demonstration public service announcement that I created that has multiple endings.

I did have considerable difficulty uploading the video. There were issues with the firewalls and internet explorer cache. Of course, I did not know what the problem was so I tried to convert the video into every conceivable video format with no luck. I gave up and attempted to load up a sequence of pictures which did not work either. It was then that I discovered the true problem. This is definitely a tool I will experiment with the summer and introduce to the teachers' in my district at the start of next school year.

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