Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cognitivism in Practice

Cognitive Learning theories and information processing research indicate that the storage of information in long term memory and the ability to subsequently retrieve that information is directly related to the number and variety of mental connections made between existing and new mental constructs If students listen to a lecture and are not actively involved in making associations with the information based on existing knowledge and experiences, there is less likelihood that the information will be remembered, let alone combined and synthesized to create new understanding.

Instructional strategies that assist students in making more connections and that provides images and other representations of information, will make it easier for students to remember information and increase their understanding of it. Technology tools such as Inspiration, that model the networking of information that occurs in the brain, are particularly effective for helping students discover the connections between small pieces of information. This aids in the conversion of information from short term to long term memory. It also help with the retrieval of information because more associations and connections between information has been facilitated. Adding pictures and other sensory representations of information with further enhance the number and quality of the cognitive connections.

I think educators who design lessons, such as virtual field trips, which actively engage students in utilizing, organizing, manipulating, and sharing information, will find that their students’ ability to understand, remember and make new associations will be greatly improved.


  1. Kevin,
    Being an art educator, I love the part of cognitivism that states that adding pictures and other types of sensory interpretations helps students to make those important connections! I think that is why I always liked art so much. And the things that I can remember best about school always involved some type of project along with what we were learning.

    Have you personally used any virtual field trips with any of your students? I have not and was curious to know what students actually think about them. I think that this is a similar idea to a webquest. Have you ever had the opportunity to create or use a webquest?


  2. I am curious as to whether students enjoy virtual field trips also. I was unable to find many for my subject area, math, and the one I did find was only so-so.
    I find that adding images helps students make important connections, especially in my geometry class. One of the ways I taught constructions this year was with an interactive website with step by step interactive instructions and visuals. It really created that visual immersive experience that Dr. Orey talked about and I think it helped my students make a connection with the material.

  3. I strongly agree with you that teachers who design classroom lessons to engage the students will be most successful. When a students is engaged in an activity, they have something to remember and will create a long term memory from the experiance. The idea of virtual field trips also seems very cool.

  4. Susan and Nikki,
    I have utilized web quests which are a type of virtual field trip but more like a scavenger hunt. I think it was more educational when my students actually created their own web quests. I usually included this as a project option for students. I have not utilized virtual field trips but I did locate some that I found interesting. Many of them, however, had lots of text which often turns students off. I prefer the virtual trips that have interactive and/or video elements.

  5. Hi Kevin,
    I agree with you about the importance of keeping kids engaged by allowing them to make connections. I think that is what makes a great teacher; someone who is able to take kids to new places and allow them to make connections by making learning fun. The more connections they make the more they learn and that is why the virtual field trips was so exciting to me. I found a great field trip about fire engines. My kindergarten class will love this experience and with all the images and sounds I am sure they will be making some great connections.


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